Our Disability Support Services

As a registered provider, we have a growing range of quality services to suit your needs, goals and lifestyle.

Brightside Disababiltiy support and respite in home services
Brightside Disababiltiy support and respite 2

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Brightside Disability Support and Respite provides you the support services you need to live independently. Brightside provides supported independent living services across South East Queensland, catering to low and high levels of support.

Short Term Accommodation

We offer you the chance to come and relax in an environment away from home where you have the opportunity to try new things, meet new people and learn new skills. Short term accommodation is funded under the NDIS to provide respite care.

Brightside Disababiltiy support and respite community and social
short term accomidation brightside
social disability communtiy support
short term accomidation

Social and Community Participation

Are you keen to get out and meet new people or learn a new skill? We would love to hear about it! Brightside offers community engagement services to assist with access to the community and to engage socially.

Community Nursing Services

We can deliver a range of your nursing requirements from the comfort of your home. We have a range of experienced and qualified nurses that can handle your nursing needs professionally.

Community nursing service
Brightside Disababiltiy support and respite about us and disabiltiy services
Brightside Disababiltiy support and respite community nursing
Birghtside Disability and Respite care disability services

Therapy Assistance Services

We understand that it can be difficult to translate the skills learnt in therapy to daily life, so our Therapy Assistants play an invaluable role in bridging this gap.

Do you have a question? We would love to hear from you.